Nobody Understands This Situation. We’ve stockpiled, we’ve socially distanced, we might possibly be feeling a bit stir crazy. It’s all nuts. Which brings me to a minor confession – somehow my personal pantry could be a squirrel’s dream. After doing a little dinner assessment, I realized I might have every kind of nut known to man.
Marcona almonds — snatched three bags at Christmas because they were a ridiculously low price. Every kind of flavored almond, smoked, salted, habanero, BBQ. Pine nuts. A almost empty 4lb tub of chocolate covered almonds, Georgia pecans from a friend in the freezer, chili lime pistachios, almond nut clusters, and peanut trail mix. And plenty of peanut butter in case we can’t get meat. Plant protein rules. Yes, I realize this is nuts. But today’s reality is, right?
The odd thing about this post has nothing to do with nuts. Just my mere disposition at the moment. I could share a new recipe on how to make your own nut butter, but there are plenty online. Or I could really dig deep and look at what I’ve made that could be in your pantry today. You might have an obscure can of artichoke hearts lurking in your cupboard, or you bought a bunch of milk and forgot cheese. Or you’re vegan and you know what I mean when I say chia seed. Here is a line up of my favorite recipes with a few simple ingredients, or ones that might bring you comfort.
What’s that saying?
You wanna get nuts…
Come on let’s get nuts.
– Batman
Sorry, I had to.
Buck up, let’s do this thing.
Forgot the cheese? Recipe #1: Homemade Ricotta. Ricotta smeared on bread with honey, baked in noodles, eaten with a spoon. Ricotta is veritable happiness.

For my vegans, or wannabes Recipe #2: Chia Seed Pudding high in omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fiber, iron, and calcium. We need to be healthy!

Sunshine and citrus. Hopefully you are snagging bags of vitamin C right now. Recipe #3: Blood Orange Citrus Salad w/Citrus Dressing.

Can’t get enough satisfaction, good to have friends in pecan country to mail you the best buttery pecans ever. Don’t worry, pecans from the store will also do for Recipe #4: Creole Glazed Georgia Pecans. For those press conference munchies, sorry no sports these days.

And to lighten the mood ( because we really could use some), Recipe #5: Liquid Gold. Missing your frappe, latte fix from Stardeer’s?

Don’t worry I’ve got your back. Come back soon for more!
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