
Simple Homemade Ricotta




Yield 2 cups


Prepare a colander or large sieve with two layers of cheesecloth that has been dampened with water. Place the colander propped up on an upside-down coffee mug into a deep bowl. This helps to raise the colander when the ricotta separates from the curds and the leftover whey. Set aside.

Combine milk, cream, and stir in salt into a stainless-steel five qt. pot. Allow the mixture to come to a full boil over medium heat, stirring often.

Turn off the heat but leave on the burner and stir in the vinegar. Let mixture stand for a couple of minutes till curdles form. The whey (milky water) will begin to separate as the curds (cheese) form.

Pour the mixture into the cheesecloth covered colander and allow to drain on the counter for 20 minutes. You can cover the colander with plastic wrap and put in the fridge and continue draining for thicker ricotta or store your leftover whey for other awesome uses.

Once drained, remove cheesecloth and store cheese into a storage container. This recipe will give you about two cups of the creamiest ricotta you’ve ever tasted. Better than store bought I promise. Keeps in refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Courses Anytime

Cuisine Italian

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